Tips for Rug Owners
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Please read the topics below to learn about rugs and more.
ARCS Checklist: Hiring a Professional Rug Cleaner
The Forensics of Rug Moths
One of the biggest challenges in the rug world is the wool moth. Most rug owners have had some sort of interaction with moth, either with their own rugs or a family member’s. It’s an ongoing battle in the rug industry to come up with the most effective ways of fighting the moth. As most experienced warriors say...
Spotting Guide For Rug Owners
Spots, if treated improperly, are more likely to become permanent stains.The best method to safely remove spots from your rug is to have it professionally cleaned by an ARCS member, who has special equipment and training in the proper method to clean your rugs. This is not always practical, this spotting guide will assist you in removing...