Date: November 2, 2024
Location: The Rug Salon by Spot Out, Inc Palm Desert, CA
Instructor: Joshua and Connie Klopfenstein
IICRC Continuing Education: 7 credit hours
Pricing: Member Price: $250; Non-member Price: $250
The Rug Salon by Spot Out, Inc. is Coachella Valley’s premier state of the art rug washing facility. Located in Palm Desert, CA, The Rug Salon has been cleaning area rugs and high-end upholstery in our cleaning facility since 2014. During this class you will have the opportunity to put on your wash boots and see how to wash rugs. Whether you’re just starting out with very little equipment, or you are a little more seasoned and want to see how to use a tumble duster, wash tub and centrifuge, this class has something for everyone. All skill levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to see how a medium sized rug plant runs and operates. The Rug Salon has two Master Rug Cleaner certified staff members as well as the areas only Certified Rug Specialist. This is a hands on class so, BYOB (bring your own boots) and come see what rug washing is all about.
Lunch, drinks and snacks are included!
To be a member of ARCS, companies and individuals must be dedicated to the association's highest standards. Our members are experienced professionals committed to the highest levels of customer service, technical knowledge and business management in the rug cleaning industry.
Please browse our member directory to find the rug care specialist located closest to you.